Monday, January 27, 2014

More about My Children's and Teen Yoga Classes

I am fortunate that I have been asked to teach children's yoga at a couple of local schools and now at the Central Library in downtown San Diego. If you are an elementary school, preschool, un-schooling group, home school group, daycare center, girl scout troupe, middle school, high school, or a family with children from 2-7, 8-13 or 14+, please call me to discuss how we can create a yoga class to suit their needs!

For younger children my style incorporates music, books, and crafts into yoga-oriented play, where I help them learn how to energize and calm with breath. We learn about the Big Three B's - body, brain and breathing - and how using them in unison creates YOGA. One of the favorite and most fun classes is where the children get the opportunity to "teach" demonstrating, vocalizing, and assisting their peers. I have seen them discover, to their own delight, how very capable, focused and good they are in this role, whatever their physical ability level. I believe the skills developed in practicing yoga can be translated into being a better a family member, classmate, student, sibling, athlete - whatever the child experiences!

For middle schools and high school young adults the focus is a little more like a conventional yoga class but scaled to suit the ability levels and limits/strengths of still growing bodies and minds. We do many grounding poses to help create a sense of stability and security, balance poses to improve coordination and stimulate brain development, twists and bends to strengthen and stretch and learn about complex body movements, and of course inversions because they are not only fun but help us to see the world from another perspective! I use props to bring poses within reach without strain and add support and security. Discussion of the eight limbs of yoga as they apply to secular living (health/cleanliness, non judging, non harming, continuing education and more) are blended with breathing exercises, uplifing music, and positive affirmations to round out the body/brain/breath experience. Whatever their ability level, from the more sedentary to the vigorous athlete, all teens can benefit from a yoga practice to help them also become more self aware and a better person.

Full With Energy Throughout The Day

You can not avoid everyday tasks, butat least youcan changesomethingabout yourselfand feel energized throughout theday. Inaddition wepresentsome tipsthat willbeof greatimportancein the implementationoffull-dayresponsibilities.

Regular breakfast        

Yourbreakfastshould includeprotein andcomplexcarbohydrates. It is bestin the morning todrink a cup ofyogurtand eat somefruit. Consumption ofsimplecarbohydratesquicklyraiseblood sugarlevels, whichafter a whilecausessharpdeclineandreductionofenergyandfatigue. Complexcarbohydratesaredigestedfor longer time andgive a feeling ofsatietythat lastsseveralhours.

Fruitfor snacks

When you feelyouarefiddling, just eatsome juicyfruit. Freshfruitis richinfructoseand after its consumption, the bodywill notreactwithsuddenraising and loweringofblood sugar, butwillraise the levelofenergyandyou will feel fresher.


Besideshealthyfoodthe bodyneedswater foritsrehydration. Occasionallydrinkinaglass ofwater. The requiredquantityof water throughoutthe dayis 2liters.

Sugar andcaffeinein smallamounts
If you experiencea lackofenergyandyoufeel drowsy, do notimmediatelydrinkcoffeeor eatchocolate. Sugarsandcaffeinewill raise the level of sugar justfor a short timeandyou feel theflowofenergy.Butright after thatsugarfallssharplyandyou will feelexhausted.

Do not starve
Tryduring the dayinstead of the usualthreetohave fivesmallermeals.Thusyourmetabolismwill constantlyworkingby not lettingyour energy levelsfallbelow the levelnecessaryto performeveryday tasks. Better toreplenishenergy withsmallermealsthat willcome toaccelerate themetabolismandthusthe bodywillnot storeexcessfood in fat.

Sleep enough

A healthyandvaried dietcan increaseenergybutcannotcompensate lackof sleep. Therefore, in addition to diet, you need tolook out forthe qualityofsleep.
Torestthe body andto regeneratebraincellsyou needtosleep7-8hourspernight. Sleepingduring the daycan notreplacenightsleep.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Premature Skin Aging – The Main Causes

  What is certain is that most women literally will shudder when they hear the word " aging ". While we try with all kinds of cosmetic products to stop the appearance of wrinkles and keep our youthfulness, we don’t see that sometimes we ourselves are the main perpetrators for their occurrence. The main causes of premature aging of our skin are hidden in our daily bad habits.

Poor and inadequate nutrition


  Besides it’s a bad influence on our health, certainly affects the acceleration of the aging process of our skin. If we only eat unhealthy food, and under that is primarily related to the fatty, fried foods and sweets, we supply the body with harmful substances. By changing our eating habits, taking as many fruits, vegetables, grains, our skin regenerates and rejuvenates and slows down the aging process and the appearance of wrinkle.



  I do not think only on active but also on passive smoking. Every inhaling of smoke in indoors is very harmful for the skin. Smoke from cigarettes enters the pores and not only causes wrinkles, but also dry out the skin. It also reduces the amount of vitamin C in the skin, which is very important for maintenance of the youthful skin look.

Lack of physical activity

  Physical activity is extremely important for the body. In this way, we establish proper circulation , which is necessary for the discharge of harmful substances from the body. This is essential if we want our skin to look healthy and fresh.

Improper application of creams 


  Believe it or not, if the face cream is applied with the wrong moves, you can provoke the emergence or intensification of wrinkles, dark circles and skin greasiness. 

  If you have a problem with redness of the skin or cracked capillaries, which are also signs of skin aging, think about how often you consume alcohol. When consuming alcohol comes increased blood flow that causes this unpleasant appearance of the skin.

Lack of sleep

  One of the major causes of aging. Nothing is more essential in the fight against aging of the skin and wrinkles like a nice, calm dream. On average, every adult person should sleep about eight hours a day. If you consistently not sleep enough, comes not only to fatigue, but also to the appearance of wrinkles and dark circles around your eyes. Many women try to sleep on their back, in order not to get wrinkles. Recent research has shown that it does not reflect the real basics.

Meet the10magnificentanti-aging ingredients

  All womenwant to maintainyouthfullooking skinas much aspossible. This is not about cosmetic surgery, botox andhyaluronic acid. This is aboutthe ingredients thatcan be foundin everydaycosmeticsfor the face, and can helpin the fightagainstwrinkles.


AHAandBHA- They make the skinto be smooth. AHA arethe bestfor normal todryskinand skindamaged by the sun. They increasehydration andstimulate the synthesis ofnewcollagen,equalizeand makea smoothunevenskin texture. BHAisbestfor normal tooily skinandfor trimmingrednessfromrosacea.

Retinol- It helpsto createbetterskin cells, increasing the amountof substances thatprotect the skin. Increasescollagen productionleading to improvedtexture andprotectivefunctions of the skin.

Vitamin C- increases collagen synthesis, reduces the appearance of stains on the skin, strengthens the defense mechanism of the skin, increase skin regeneration and reduces inflammation. Helps the skin when exposed to sunlight.

Vitamin E- protects cell membranes from oxidative damage and prevents the destruction of collagen. In combination with vitamin C gives excellent results. On the declaration of cosmetic products can be listed as : tocopheryl acetate, tocopheryl linoleate, tocotrienols, alpha tocopherol and tocopherol succinate.

Niacinamide- Is a component of vitamin B3. Increases ceramide and free fatty acids in the skin. Prevents water loss from the skin and stimulates micro-circulation in the dermis. It is especially important for lightening stains on the skin and acne removing.

Green tea– Has an antioxidant function, produces collagen, reduces inflammation and damage to the skin.

Resveratrol- As an antioxidant it protects the skin from damage caused by exposure to the sun, reducing damage to the skin and stimulates collagen synthesis. A powerful oxidant, excellent for skin.

The seeds of grapes- Antioxidant that significantly reduces the effect of free radicals. In combination with other antioxidants, its efficiency is increased. Expert in the fight against wrinkles.

Ceramides- They make up about 20 % of the entire extra cellular structure of the skin. They cling cells like glue and help the skin to retain its fresh look. When the skin is damaged by the sun, when is dry or irritated by care products, ceramides are reduced and the skin is then more sensitive and vulnerable. It is therefore necessary to replace ceramides because they protect the skin and help her to look younger.

Linoleic acid- These fatty acids keep the skin's appearance as they filled her inter-cellular space. It "speaks" to the skin cells how to function healthier. It helps in reducing inflammation and it is believed to be a key factor in how skin ages.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Healthy Fruits Of Nature

Tangerine – lot of health in small packaging

  Tangerine is a fruit that compared with other similar fruit is very small, but is equally powerful as orange, lemon and other fruits like her. Scientists say that it contains many anti - oxidant, many vitamin, mineral, protects against many diseases, and according to some research protects against liver cancer.

  According to some research tangerine is so powerful that it can reduce the risk of cancer in people suffering from hepatitis. Tangerine has the power to upgrade up to 80 % of the daily requirement of the body of vitamin C and vitamin A. This small but amazing fruit is packed with antioxidants that are powerful guardian of all cells in the body.

  All studies done about the tangerine show that it is especially powerful when it comes to hyperlipidemiaor increased amount of bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. Thus tangerine is particularly effective in the prevention of atherosclerosis and hypertension.

  Tangerines are powerful in building immunity, have many fibers so they easily satisfy your satiety. They are good for different type of diets. They can quickly saturate you and reduce the feelings of hunger. So it is needlessly how tangerine is great for your health and should be consumed in larger amounts, it is sweet, light, delicious and so powerful ...

Whybananaisindispensableforyour health

  Banana is super fruit which is indispensable when it comes to your health. Read some facts and you will never look banana with the same eyes ...

Banana cure depression

  Banana contains high levels of tryptophan which converts to serotonin and is really successful in treating depression.

Banana - recipe for success of athletes

  Eat two bananas before the game or before you go to the gym, they will give you energy to keep the level of sugar in the blood and will be factor for your good condition and success.

Banana strengthens bones

  Banana reduces lost amounts of calcium and maintain healthy bones. Therefore it is necessary for people of all ages to consume a banana.

Bananaisthe body'sthermoregulator

  When youhave a fever you should eatbananas. Ithelpsin situations ofincreased bodytemperature, andduring theextremelyhotsummer daystocoolthe body.

Bananaagainstitchingandinsect bites
The inner bark ofthebananais effectiveagainstitchingandinsect bites. Rubtheinsideofthe barkofthebananaat the part whereyou feelitchingorthepart whereyougotinsect bite.

Banana before exam

  You have the exam early in the morning and do not have time for breakfast ? Eat two bananas before leaving and feel how great power it has to improve concentration and physiological abilities of your brain.

Bananas regulate blood pressure

They contain a lot of potassium and are low in salt - great for people who suffer from hypertension.

Bananas for healthy digestive system

  Eat bananas to improve digestion because bananas contain pectin which is very effective, it releases toxins from the body and protects the normal intestinal flora.


  At a time when you feel the symptoms of PMS, eat morebananas. It has been proventhattheyhave thepower torelievetheproblemsthat comewiththissyndrome.

Wild strawberry- small,powerfulanddelicious

  Wild strawberries or forest strawberry is a small fruit, which is very delicious and very useful. The strawberry is one of 400 known species, but is definitely one of the most beloved. Small, delicious and irresistible is perhaps the most precise description of this fruit, but folk medicine says that this fruit is also incredibly healthy. 


  These berries can be found in the mountains in the period from May to September. This fruit is rich in many vitamins, only a hand full of this fruit is enough to provide vitamin C for the whole day. Besides vitamin C, this fruit contains vitamin B, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, tannins, flavonoids, vitamin E… Large presence of manganese in this fruit makes it to be very healthy for the brain, nervous system, blood, bones and whole metabolism.
  Experts say that this fruit should be washed like any other, but not under a strong jet of water, because it loses nutrients.

  Foreststrawberryisan excellent remedyagainstconstipation and excellenttreatment forlazybowelsyndrome. Other than thattheyare greatagainstspringfatigue, they detoxedthebody, andcanbe usedfordiabetics too. From the foreststrawberry you can also make strawberrytea, whichpurifiesthe kidneys, liverandblood.

  Forest strawberryis a boonforthe body,isgoodforthe heartand bloodvessels, and also has great influence onthe regulation ofbloodpressure.It containsvery fewcaloriesandis an excellentnutritionalfruit. Contains low in caloriesandprovidesa major contributionin the fightagainstcellulite. Smallbutpowerful,we have toadmitthatwouldbe greatif it is a constant partof our diet.