Saturday, March 28, 2015

Humility, a 8-limbs lesson

The last time I traveled to Sacramento I went to one of their local hot yoga studios. In fact, it seems like that's most if not all of what is up there, which is fine at least there are studios that I can afford.

Don't get me wrong I enjoy a good sweat just fine, and luckily after 11 years I (usually) know how to gauge myself to keep it real and out of potential injury (and I guzzle more water than probably two or three hot devotees put together). I'll usually position myself in back and just do the class a lot slower, because I know that if I build up too much heat I just pass out, or I render myself unable to stand up for a day or two because I've overstretched.

When the instructor asked who was new, I raised my hand as I hadn't ever attended one of her classes before. She started class with the usual "pace yourself, embrace the process" standard patter, but even though there were just a few newbies, neither she nor her unshirted mail assistant came by my mat for any adjustments or support. They both did seeme to pay repeat attention to a specific few regulars, one of whom was severe ectomorph, wearing a full arm sweater and full length leggings in a 95 degree room, bending her body in ways that in my training would indicate unhealthy wear and tear on joints.

Regardless, I was content just to have a place to practice that I could afford (and thank heavens for my amazing in laws that allow me the time to indulge by watching eli and letting me use their car).

After class upon exiting...wait, first I have to mention that more than one of their drippier students exited the classroom and sloshed through the lobby leaving sopping wet footprints across the very slippre tile floor, and didn't bother to mop up... so what did I do, I took my towel (and a few others from the dirty towel bin) and wiped that bodily fluid up, partly to prevent myself from slipping, partly to prevent others from slipped, and party to just call attention to it (gross) and hope someone would assist. Perhaps a bit passive aggressive, but it's just not appropriate to a) do that, and b) not fix that.

Ok, back to the story: I was cooling down in the hallway when a woman (a bit younger than I) said "Oh, you did really well for a beginner." I smiled and said thanks because any other response would have been, snide? defensive? egotistic? inappropriate in the face of what was supposed to be compliment? Mostly I realized she was trying to make a friend and had I said anything other than a genuine thanks I would have alienated the only person to try to make conversation with me

Those that have met me know I'm a bit of a chatter, a bit of an extrovert, very much vested in creating positive relationships (and sometimes too concerned with being liked). I have been told that "I'll talk to anyone" and know I get that from my very outgoing (and quite popular in his day) father and being someone that was TERRIFIED to open up to the world when i was an early teen, I LOVE that part of me now.

So when I had trouble engaging the front desk person in even business related conversation, and felt she looked past me my entire enrollment time to chat with her better knows, I was discouraged. And as a patron, frustrated, because she kept mixing up whether or not I had paid for and had been given a mat (no), a towel (yes), and a class (yes, and it turns out I already had a package of classes on the books that she didn't mention as she charged me for another series of classes).

In her defense, and before someone shouts "she was probably busy" I need to point out that I was the only person needing attention at the desk, everyone else just had to sign their name on a sheet so it wasn't much to ask for a BIT of focus, but oh well, I have my ADHD moments too.

So now that I have 10 classes at this place (and would feel petty asking for any money back), I need to bring myself back to a place a humility and:
  1. be grateful that I have a place to practice, period;
  2. be grateful that even one person did try to reach out to me and consider her words, truly, authentically, a compliment;
  3. not mind if no one offers me an adjustment because it allows me to stay focused on me and maybe it means I'm actually in good alignment;
  4. mop up sweaty footprints because it's the right thing to do;
  5. being patient with the woman at the front desk because she's trying to do a good job, and well, I'm nice enough to not hold a grudge. 
In terms of the 8 limbs of yoga, this calls me to practice more on the Niyama facet of Svadhyaya which is self study and a whole bunch of non-judgement, as well as the limb of Pratyahara, or going in ward and withdrawing of the external senses (like, looking at someone else on their mat).

So, even though it's not my "ideal" studio, with my favorite teachers and familiar student faces, I am in fact getting an amazing practice sessions in yoga - far far more than just asana.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Healthy Habits Of Healthy People

 There are some things that are bound and we are unable to change them like genetics and biology where we cannot have influence. But on the other hand, we can change our behavior and working on that to be healthier.

healthy living

  Find out what to do if you want to have a healthy life. What kind of food and tea should be consumed in order to protect your body against diseases. Gain healthy habits and apply them to the end of your life.

  Lifestyle affects your health, so if you apply lifestyle habits which propagate good for the body, it will be reflected on your mind and body.
Theseare just a smallpartof the manyhealthyhabits, butquitesufficient to start.

 Drinkwarmwaterwiththe lemon- Recommendationofalldoctorsistostartthe daywith a glass ofwater. If youslightlywarmwaterandadd a littlelemon in it, this willactivatethe digestive systemand you will know that the firstdecisionthat daywasfocusedonyour health.

lemon and warm wather

Stretching-run circlearound the building, oranyphysicalactivity thatisto your taste. IfI themorningyou allow heating of your body, itisthe right waytostart the day-to give thebodyenergyto releasestressand"clear" your head from unnecessarythoughts.

  Make alist ofobligations-At the beginningof each weektakea sheet of paperandwrite downobligationsthat expectyou and whatyou can realisticallycompleteby the endof the week. Startwiththe most important things. This way ofmanagingthe daywillgive you timefor a specificinsight into allobligationsandalsowillavoidthe stressandconstanttensionif maybesomethingyou forget.

  Breakfast-There's nothingto think here, if you are hungry, you cannotgive goodresultsat work, nor will itbe the bestinterlocutors.Doyourself a favorand start thedaywithbreakfast. Skippingthe mealisbad forthe body. Breakfastis the most importantmeal thatwillgive youenergy, it is recommendedin the morningtoeatcerealsrich indietaryfiber, andfor lunchchoose,for example, proteinsandvegetables. Thisfoodwillfillyouwithenergyfor the whole day.

healthy cereals

  Water- The most importantelementinour diet. By takingsufficientamounts of  water, our bodyis purifiedfrom harmfulsubstances, and the waterhelps tohave a normal and proper metabolism. We should intake1,5 to2liters of waterduring the day.

  TeaMint teacontains hesperidin-powerfulantioxidant, whichby 52% reduces oxidativestressandinflammationfromdiabetes.Protect yourself fromthis undesirablediseaseby eatingunsweetenedmint tea.

  Healthysnacksforslumber-Taiwanresearchersfound thatkiwicanhelp withsleeping. Whenpeoplesufferfrominsomniawouldeat2kiwionehourbeforebedevery nightfor twoweeks, they would asleepfor35% faster. Kiwicontainssubstanceserotonin, a chemical thatregulatesthe sleep cycle.

  Increaseyour muscle mass-Muscleassist inthe metabolism ofsugarsin the blood, which reducesthe risk ofmanydiseases. Exercise moderatelyandkeephealthyand beautifullyshapedbody.

increasing of muscle mass

  Too much salty- If you have high blood pressure, salt intake should be maintained below 1500 mg. per day (typically healthy people can intake 3000 mg. per day).
But the fact that sodium is hidden in many foods complicates control of its introduction.

Health authorities warn that precisely those foods are responsible for more than 40% of the daily consumption of sodium.
  Therefore eat more fresh products, and when you buy prepared food products, please read the information listed on the packaging.

  Eat plenty ofvegetablesandfruits-introduction ofsufficientquantitiesof vegetables andfruitsinyour bodywillresult inslowingtheaging processofthe body. Throughthe intakeof fruitandvegetableswillenter all thenecessary vitaminsandminerals, so you will be healthy andresistant toalldiseasesandviruses.

  Startconsuming nuts-Ifyou add nuts in your nutrition,you can protect yourself fromthe dangerouseffectsofdiabetes.Inastudyconductedrecentlyhas cometo the conclusionthat people whosuffered fromtype2 diabetes, andateonehandnutseverydayhadmuchmore stablelevelofsugarin the blood.By replacingcarbswithhealthy fats, you canadjust the levelofsugarin the blood, and thuswill help you tokeepdiabetesaway fromyou.

  Meditate-Specify therhythmofthe daysittingin peaceat leasttwominutes. You'llbe surprisedhow far itcantake youhappythoughts...If you decidetomeditateor justsitin peace, you will improvethe moodand you will havea smileon your face.


  Togetherfor dinner-Introduceritual to have the dinner all together with your kids.Usuallyatnight are all home, so whenyou sit downfor dinnertogetheryoucan enjoypleasantconversation.

  SleepenoughIt is scientificallyproventhatsleephelpsin the recoveryofthe body's cells, helpsour body torevitalize, refreshand prepareforthe challengesof a new day. We usually need 7to8hours of sleeptofunctionproperly.Therefore, we recommendyou to have nice andlong enough sleep.