Thursday, September 18, 2014

An Orange Autumn Enjoyment

 Orange is a powerful color that represents enthusiasm, determination, creativity, happiness, success, stimulation and fascination.

autumn healthy fruits

  Orange is the color of autumn, and is associated with healthy food. It is said that this color leads people to think about food and stimulate hunger.
  Plenty of orange food is all you need for this season. Therefore, we recommend the top three incredibly attractive and equally delicious and healthy orange products.


  Carrots are very nutritious and healthful vegetables that can significantly contribute to improving our health.

healthy carrots

  They are a rich source of beta -carotene (a powerful antioxidant that participates in blocking harmful oxidizing processes in the body, one of pro-vitamins of vitamin A). One study found that people who consume more carrots have 40% lower risk of degenerative eye diseases, particularly macular degeneration, unlike others. 

 100 grams of fresh carrot has 41 k cal, a negligible amount of fat, provides 8285 mcg of beta-carotene and 16.706 IU of vitamin A. It also has high levels of vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin K, biotin, fiber, copper, calcium, potassium, manganese and phosphorus. Regularly consuming of carrots may help reduce the risk of premature aging (wrinkles, acne, dry skin, age spots), heart disease, stroke, breast cancer, lung cancer and colon cancer.

Sweet potato

  Sweet potato is a super cheap healthy food low in sugar, and the concentration of fiber is high. Not gaining weight, but gives energy and it is recommended in the diet of diabetics.

healthy sweet potato

  It offers a wealth of vitamin C (to boost the immune system), vitamin E (prevents aging of the skin), vitamin B-6 (for metabolism of nutrients into energy, especially protein), vitamin A (important for good eyesight, healthy skin, hair), vitamin D (essential for strong bones and teeth) and minerals - potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron. The ingredients of sweet potato positively affect brain activity, help to prevent heart attacks, stroke, stress, resistance to infections, asthma, arthritis, gout, colon cancer etc..


  Pumpkin is a unique orange fruit without which it is difficult to imagine the autumn table.


  It can be consumed boiled, fried or baked. One cup of mashed pumpkin has 49 k cal, 12 gr. carbohydrates, 3gr.of fiber,2 gr. proteins, 37 mg of calcium, 22 mg magnesium, 1.4 mg iron, 1 mg zinc, 0,50 mg selenium, 12 mg vitamin C, 3 mg of vitamin E and 2,650 IU of vitamin A. 

 Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of minerals, vitamins, proteins and omega 3 fatty acids. In folk medicine, pumpkin seeds are used as a means to regulate urinating and against intestinal parasites. Studies confirm that the pumpkin is useful for enlarged prostate, diabetes, macular degeneration, osteoporosis, high blood pressure and cholesterol, heart diseases and various skin diseases.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Lessons in Seva, Gratitude, Fun, and Love - The MS Challenge Walk

I have been involved with the National MS Society Challenge Walk in Southern California since the same year my yoga practice started: 2004. I raised the minimum donation ($2500) for TEN years, walking in all but one of the events (my son was born during the walk in 2009). This year, year 11, I was unable to commit the fundraising and unable to commit to the training, the time and effort it was going to take to prepare for the walk. With a son entering elementary school, a technology part-time job and a new yoga studio/coop blossoming, there was just no time.

But I couldn't give it up altogether. I squeezed in a few hours here and there to help build a blog for the people who wanted to map out training plans and schedules, and ran a fundraiser for some friends who were doing the walk.

But even that wasn't enough. I still wanted to be part of the event. After 10 years of sharing 72 hours with an amazing group of teachers, moms, lawyers, scientists, fathers, children, cousins, partners brothers, philanthropists, friends, families, and therapists all walking for a a cure, I couldn't NOT spend time with them. I needed to see these people I have grown to adore, support, befriend...the ones with whom I've laughed, cried, blistered, ate, slept (the snoring kind), and for lack of a better word, BONDED.

For a few years prior while also being a walker, I volunteered to do the (very) early morning (humor-based) pre-walk stretch at the starting line and for the 2nd day of walking (by day three, there's more groaning and sense of urgency than there is patience to wait for someone to lead a stretch!). That means I had the unique and humbling opportunity to strut my yoga stuff on a (small) stage in front of (a few hundred) people, make jokes, and basically support them with as much love as one can muster balancing on one foot, reaching high into the air, and singing along to some pop inspirational tune at a very early hour.

So this year, I made sure to make my intention of leading the stretch clear. And thankfully, they took me up on my offer. Allow me to share a few photos that deepen my smile -asana every time I look at them!
YNW and Team Diane colors.

Okay, everyone, hands on your hips...

...lunge to the left...

...lean to the right...

...again to the left...

...wait, I mean to the right...

oh heck, squat in the middle...

...then take flight!

Partner yoga for 170? SURE!

Captain Morgan Arrrrgh-asana!

Thank you to the Pacific South Coast Chapter of the National MS Society for allowing me to continue to be part of this amazing event. Thank you to all the teams that have walked with me, fundraised with me, befriended me each and every year - I cherish you. Thank you family and friends who have donated funds and time, effort and love to create the space for this to happen. Thank you universe for leading me on the path to find this amazing event, these amazing people, and even be able to share yoga with them. Thank you son and spouse who supported me in this time and heart consuming venture. Until there is a cure, this is why we (they) walk.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Fruits As A Prevention Of Various Diseases

 It is knownthatconsumingfruitgroceriesevery dayimproveshuman health, butthe intake ofcertain fruitsin the bodycanbepreventionfrom various diseases

Bandedanddriedfruitsprotect againstcancer

  Bandedfruit, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, may reducethe riskof developingheart diseaseandisthe best preventionof cancer. TheirnaturalantioxidantshelpIn reducing inflammation inthe arteries.
  Bandedfruitsare rich ina typeofantioxidantof vitaminEcalledgamma-tocopherol, and his volume in the blood increasestwiceafterconsumingsuchfruit.
  Besidesgrainsanddriedfruitsthat are availableineveryseason, protect againstthe occurrence ofcancer. Driedfruitsbesidesthey arevaluablesourcesoffiber, vitaminsandminerals, alsorepresent asignificant supportin the fightagainstcancer, metabolicdiseasesand heartproblems

healthy dried fruits
Dried Fruits

  Driedfruit isan excellent sourceof solubleandinsolubledietaryfiber. Likefreshfruit, and driedhas a lowglycemicindex andplays an importantroleinpreventingvariousmetabolicdiseases.
  Certain typesoffruit, includingdried, containhigh levels ofa variety ofpolyphenols, becausetheyallhavepositiveeffectsonhealthcare.

  Althoughthe mechanismsare not yetknown, it is determined thatthe dried fruitscanpreventthe occurrenceofsometypes ofcancerorslow downthe spreadof cancer cellsanddestroyandsuppressinflammation.
  Besidesthe fact that dried fruitpreventsthe occurrenceofcancer, this fruitenhancesimmunityand helpsdigestion, preventsgum diseaseandcureinsomnia. Besides, it haslessfatandis rich incarbohydratesandvitamins
  Driedfruitkeepimmunitybecause it containsa lot ofantioxidants, vitamins, magnesiumandpotassium. Magnesiumcan be foundmostlyindriedapricots, andpotassium, which is veryimportantforgoodconcentrationindriedbananas. Driedfruitshould alwaysbe keptin a dry, cool and dark place.

Forestfruitprotectsthe brain

  There isscientificevidencethat eatingblueberries, blackberries, raspberriesandotherberrieshavebeneficial effectson the brain, and mayslow thememory lossassociatedwithaging

healthy blueberries
Forest Fruit

  Theirpositive influence, forestfruitsexercisein several ways:

Wealthofantioxidantsprevents damage ofbraincellscausedby freeradicals, help preventinflammationthat candamage cellsandimprovemotorandcognitivefunctionsof the brain.

Blueberries protect against flu 

Blueberry Lemonade

  Blueberry is the number one source of antioxidants and is definitely above all other fruits. Regular consumption of blueberries certainly gives strong protection against the flu. If you cannot find them in fresh condition, then consume it frozen.

Apricots protect the skin

  Dried apricots are rich in carotenoids, which reduce the risk of cancer of the throat, windpipe and lungs. Only five per day give you 36% of the required daily intake of vitamin A, which is important for skin health. 

Dried Apricots

Figs protect against protect against bowel cancer

  Ideally, fruitfor anemicandtiredpeople aredried figs, because they have largeamounts ofcopperandiron. Theyalso containtryptophan, whichis veryimportantforgood sleep. Goodfordigestion, butalso protect againstbowelcancer

healthy figs
Figs Juice

Raspberryprotects againstcardiovasculardisease

  Raspberryisa rich sourceofvitaminC, containsvitaminsBcomplex, vitaminE, andalmostallminerals(potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorusandiron)
 Raspberriesprotect againstcancer,cleanses the body, strengthenimmunity, help in downloadingblood sugar, protect againstdiseasesof the cardiovascularsystem, and consideringthatitisan excellent sourceof dietaryfiber, helpsinproper functioningof the intestines.

healthy raspberry

Finally, here'sanotherinterestinginformation:

Fruitsandvegetablesprotect againstcomputer

healthy fruits

  Ifyou spendhours andhours in front ofthe computer, you need toeatmorefruitsandvegetablesrichin carotene. Itis found inbananas, carrots, melons. The bananais a sourceofvitaminA andhassubstancesthatmay protect againstthe harmfuleffectsofthe computer screen. This typeimproves vision, slows the agingofskin, which comesfrom the harmfulultravioletrays. Most practicalare forwearingat workandhavemorecarotenethan pineappleandpears.