Tuesday, June 24, 2014

With A Healthy Diet For Health And Beauty In Women

 Woman besides the fact that it should take care of her slender figure, she should also keep an eye on her own health. Improvised diets lead to the collapse of the immune system, and hormonal disorders of which is very difficult to get out. Therefore, cherish your health and beauty with healthy food.

Health before everything

  Every woman longs to be beautiful, slender, healthy and spiritually rich.
  But I think the important thing is to be healthy. To health big influence comes from what we consumed as food. Women's constitution and metabolic structure is different from the male. Primary and foremost for every woman's is to have right and healthy nutrition, regardless of age.

healthy diet

  With the small and practical advices in this text, we may in some way help you and educate you on some female problems and illnesses. You can help yourself with proper food, but the important thing is to respect the advices and be disciplined.

Menstrual pains

  If you have menstrual pains, you can ease them with proper diet.
Scientists have proved that foodcan affectthe femalehormoneestrogen, andthusaffectsmenstruation. Fromfoodalsoand carbohydratesare very muchassociatedwithpremenstrualsyndrome(PMS). The newresearch offerssurprisingdataascertainfoods andnutrients, includingcalcium, manganese, andespeciallyfatandcholesterolaffect themenstrualcycle.

menstrual pain

  Carbohydratesaffectpositively onPMS, so it is recommendedto consume carbohydrates beforePMSof the type ofstarchlikepotato, rice, oat flakes, barley, wheat, corn.

All thismustbecombined witha freshsalad, especiallywithfreshrootvegetables. When a womanis inPMS, she should reducethedoseof coffee intakeof coffeeasa drink, ortoreduce theintakeofcaffeinein the body.
  Fruitselevateestrogen levelsina woman, especiallythe mineralcalled boron. A food thatisrich withboron is apple, pear, grapes, peach, raisins, legumes, nuts (almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts-all in afreshform) and particularly rich source of boron is honey.

  As a recommendation you can start every morning with 3 grated apples, one tablespoon of honey, ten fresh almonds and one tablespoon of raisins.


  When a woman stops to produce estrogen, she enters in menopause, with the symptoms of the common cold and hot flashes and mood change. Lack of estrogen increases the risk of coronary heart disease and osteoporosis in later years. Every woman can from her early years through food to affect preventively - to alleviate these symptoms or to not get them at all. Namely, the use of soy and flaxseed can stimulate estrogen in women who enters in the postmenopausal period. The soy products with high protein content have estrogenic activity as well as tofu, soybean milk, but not soy sauce and soybean oil.
flaxseed for menopause


  If a woman has osteoporosis, it is best to keep an eye on her diet. She should use foods that contain a lot of calcium, manganese and vitamin D.
In her nutrition, she should use a great amount of leafy vegetables, fish, kale, broccoli, soy, beans, and should drink orange juice and yogurt.
Healthy Food for Osteoporosis


  It is very often disease in women. It is a fungal disease caused by Candida albicans, a fungus which like other fungus feeds on sugars. These diseases can be beaten by eliminating sugar intake as nutrition. From the nutrition should be eliminated potato, rice, white flour, sweets and cakes, fruit, bread, cheese, fermented food, mushrooms, yeast.

  From drinks you should eliminate any type of alcohol including beer.

  Foods that will win over candidiasis is garlic, yogurt and olive oil.   Also it is important to eat vegetables in unlimited quantities, and from natural pressed juices only lemon juice is allowed without additives of sugar and honey.


  Female population very often bothers from constipation. High consumption of laxative resources can create additional problems. Constipation can be solved with daily drinking 8 glasses of water and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. I personally recommend that you avoid many processed foods that do not contain dietary fiber.
water for constipation


  Let's not forget that for women's health in no way should be left out physical activity.

physical activity

  With proper diet, you can make the best precaution to preserve your own health and be slender. With this you will beautify yourself and be spiritually richer.

Monday, June 9, 2014

How To Protect Children From Unhealthy Food

 In order to enhance the flavor industrialfood has massive amount of variousadditives thatareoftenpresent onourfood tables. The first victimsofthistastyandtemptingfoodare childrenand emotionallylabileindividuals,that theirfailureand emotionsatisfy inthis way.
  Recentlya study was publishedthatprovesthe linkbetweenjunky foodandaddiction, whichareproduced in thebrainandour body. So it is notan exaggerationto say thatour childrenaredrugged withunhealthysnacks,and unhealthyTVshows,anditisalreadyscientificallyproven.
  Combinedwithwatching TV children often eat some unhealthy snacks, and considering thatourchildrenwatch TV very, very much, somewhereon average 5-6hoursa day, itisreallyunhealthycombination.  

tv and junky food

The increasing number of obesechildren, andan epidemic ofallergiesand even heart disease are just some of the indicators of poor health condition of our children. Althoughdietis not the only factor that affectsit, there are environmentalpollution, psychologicalrelationshipsin the family and the society in general, butitis oneof the most important factors.

Howinthis seaofalluringsavoryand sweetfoodswe canprovidehealthyfood choices for our kids?

  Theprimaryofwhich we need to startisto know what isa healthy dietand howit should look? Asrecommendedin the officialpyramidof a healthy diet, daily menushould beonabout 50% grains, 30% vegetablesandfruits, legumes10%, 10% nutsandseeds(pumpkin, flax, sesame, sunflower, almond, walnut, hazelnut), cold pressed oil.

healthy food pyramid

It isimportantthe foodtobe oforganic origin.

  Thermalprocessing shouldbereduced tominimum time, andcertainlyit is besttoconsumefoodsthatgrow inour region.

How onechildishdailymeal should look?


  Mixed broth from organic whole grains (barley, oats, rye, millet, wheat, buckwheat, corn…), with the addition of honey, dried or fresh organic fruit (apples, plums, figs), you can add and some self growing plant as nettle (dried or fresh), or mashed potato.

  Also for breakfast can be combined and a butter of legumes (lentils, beans, chickpeas, sunflower seeds and pumpkin) in combination with unleavened whole-grain bread.

  Organic whole grain and beans can be found in most health food stores, in some of them can be found and organic vegetables, wile organic fruit is hard to find in stores and you must try to find it at some proven salesman in the market or with relatives and acquaintances from the countryside.

For snacks

 It is alwaysadvisabletohavefreshfruit.


  Soup ofgrains, vegetables, beanswithfreshsaladof vegetablesandwildplantswithaddition ofseeds, cold pressed oilandvinegarfromwildapple.
  For lunchyou can preparerice, potatoeswith allotheraccessories.


  Dinnershouldbesimilar tobreakfast. Here you canadd theyogurt.

  Although we shouldn’t accustomed children to the ice cream, because the cold and frozen food does not match the stomach, there is a chance for a healthy ice cream, without all the harmful additives that are otherwise found in ordinary ice cream found in our stores. Healthy ice cream can be made from banana (or other fruit with thicker structure) and fruit (raspberry, apple, apricot, etc.), cocoa and honey. Then freeze it and put into molds for ice cream sticks.

fun and food

  Instead of bottled juice, children should be given plain water or tea without sweeteners. Also, children should drink only natural pressed juices that should be offered as a substitute for milk, and this can be extended with soy milk.
Instead of candy and sweet foods generally should be given fresh and dry fruits, biscuits and cakes made from whole wheat with honey.
  During the period of getting used to if needed slowly supplant the old unhealthy food with healthy (replace white rice with integral gradually adding small amounts, until the children get used to the little different flavor and appearance. Same make with the white flour and sugar). And so gradually add those natural and less artificial flavors to slowly change the perception of taste, which is actually the most difficult task while the children themselves do not become aware of the importance of healthy eating, regardless of taste.

kids healthy food

  So, wherever possible, in some combinations of soups, spreads, etc. adds wild plants, vegetables and other healthy foods whose flavor will not be felt. Gradually change the salty snacks and foods with less salt or salt-free.

  Salt and similar accessories are very dangerous and are one of the most widespread causes of heart disease, from which are dying most people in the world. Many countries around the world try to reduce the amount of salt in food.
It is recommendedtoavoidorcompletelycleared thefoodthat isfriedinmuch oilmuch(chips), andof coursethe foodthat isjustfryandcannedfood

unhealthy food

  Childrenshouldneverbeforced intoa healthydiet, butsecretlyyou should offerdelicious, healthyalternativestothe ultimate goalwhen theywillbeaware ofhealthy eating.
  It is certain that children would eat more natural and healthy food if we would oversee their nutrition from birth and when we wouldn’t bring them sweetened and salted foods. The natural urge for food will teach children to eat what is on the menu. It is normal that everyone has their own special habits, preferences and dietary needs, which means that everyone has their favorite and less food and more. No matter what, it would be necessary family and environment to change their attitude towards the child's needs. Therefore, it is needed healthy influence of institutions in which children reside, as schools and nurseries that has to spread awareness of healthy eating in children.

healthy food from youngest years

What instead this food?

Meat- spreadsandotherproductsfromlegumes, seedsandnuts.Milk- water, pressedjuices, ”milk”- drinks from soy, riceandothercereals.Margarine- spreadsfromlegumes, seeds, nutsandcold pressedoil.Chipsandothersnacks-healthyspreads and whole organic baked goods, popcorn(with little or nocold pressedoiland a littlesea salt)...Sweet -homehealthyice creamhealthywhole graincookieswithhoneyandfruit.